This is one of the older recipes that I have posted on here, so bits of it might not make perfect sense. recipe assumes that you know how to gut and skin Pheasants too, you're welcome to cheat by getting a couple from the roadside or even a butcher who specialises in Game.
2 Pheasants
4 oz lean Ham (diced)
2 Onions
2 oz Butter
A bunch of Herbs
Pepper and Sale
1. Singe and draw two young pheasants, then cut them into neat joints.
2. Put the giblets on to boil with an onion, a bunch of herbs (bouquet?) pepper and salt and sufficient water to cover.
3. Bring all to the boil then skim and boil gently.
4. Melt the butter in a stew pan and put the pieces of pheasant, the other onion (sliced), the ham (diced) and a little pepper and salt.
5. Cover tightly and draw the pan to where its contents will cook gently in their own juices. (roughly translated let it simmer).
6. Turn the pieces two or three times during the cooking which should last 45 minutes.
7. Take the pieces up, put them in a soup plate, cover with a basin and stand the plate over a saucepan of boiling water to keep hot whilst making the gravy.
At this point it might be worth starting to cook the rice.
8. Sift one large tablespoonful of flour into the pan in which the pheasants were cooked and stir it well. Then strain a pint of gravy made from the giblets into it.
9. Bring all to the boil for 5 minutes then strain. Rinse out the stewpan and put the pices of pheasant in to it with the sauce and boil up again.
10, Prepare a nice circle of rice on the dishes you are to serve them on to (or put the Microwave Rice on) and place the pheasant in the centre with sauce over the top.
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