This is one of my favourite books in my collection. Keith Floyd travels all over the country finding local recipes and giving them a bit of vavavoom but democratizing it at the same time. Beside a lot of eighties gourmet stuff is some quite nice traditional recipes. It is well balanced in types of dishes with clear methods and good photos, however there is a lot gourmet recipes which require a lot of faffing and special ingredients.
I liked Keith Floyd and I was genuinely sad when he died. His many adventures and television series where he cooked relatively complex dishes in remote locations with portable stove and bottle of wine in tow isn't matched these days by chef's staying to the comfortable confines of the television studio or even (heaven forbid) their own home kitchen.
I am going to present you with a few of the best recipes from this book, a lot of them are quite pretentious and detract from the parameters of this website (vintage, traditional, affordable, practical recipes) but some of them are spot on.
RIP Keith, you are sadly missed.
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